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Geographical Discoveries


DISCOVERER ................................DISCOVERY

Christopher Columbus (Italian)................... America
Vasco da Gama (Portuguese) ...... Sea route to India
John Cabot (British) ....................... New foundland
Pedro Alvarez Cabral (Portuguese)................. Brazil
Tasman (Dutch) Island of Tasmania & New Zealand
Captian Cook (British) . Sandwich (Hawaiin) Islands
Robert Peary (USA)............................... North Pole
Amundsun (Norway) ............................. South Pole
Ferdinand de Lesseps (Designed) .......... Suez Canal
David Livingstone (British) ................ Victoria Falls
Bartholomew Diaz (Portuguese)....... Cape of Good Hope
Norseman Eric ........................................... Greenland
Leif Ericsson ....................................... North America
Mungo park ............................... Nigeria river in Africa
Richard Francis Burton ..................... Lake Tanganyika
Henry Hudson ....................................... Hudson Bay
Gobot Sebastian ................................ New Foundland
Marco Polo ..................................................... China
Kepler .......................................................... Planets