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Vitamin and Minerals


It was invented by FG Hopkins.However ,the term Vitamin was coined by C Funk.
These are divided into two groups:
Fat soluble vitamins,viz.vitamin-A,D,E and K
Water soluble vitamin viz.vitamin-B and C
Vitamin D is synthesised in our skin by the action of ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Vitamin,their Deficiency Disease and Sources

VitaminChemical NamesDeficiency DiseaseSource
Vitamin-ARatinol carotenoidsNight-blindness,Hyperkeratosis,Keratomalacia,Orange,green vegetables,carrots,pumpkin,squash,and spinach
Vitamin-DCalciferolRickets and OsteomalaciaFish,eggs,liver and mushrooms
Vitamin-ETocopherols,tocotrienplsLess fertilityMany fruits and vegetables
Vitamin-KPhylloquinone,Non-clotting of bloodGreen vegetables
Vitamin-B1ThiamineBeriberi,Wernicke-Korsakoff syndromeOatmeal,rice,vegetables,cauliflower,potato,liver and eggs.
Vitamin-B2RiboflavinCracking of skin,reddish eye,cracking of tongueDairy products,bananas,popcorn,and green beans.
Vitamin-B3Niacin or nicotinic acidPellagera,GlossitisMeat,broccoli,avocados
Vitamin-B5Pentothenic acidPremature graying of hair,Burning feet syndromemeat,fish ,eggs,many vegetables,mushrooms and tree nuts
Vitamin-B6PirodoxineAbnormal protein metabolismMeat,vegetables,tree nuts and banana
Vitamin-B7BiotinDermatitis enteritis and anaemiaRaw egg yolk,liver,peanuts and vegetables.
Vitamin-B9Folic acid,folinic acidMegaloblast and in pregnant birth degects,such as neural tube defectLeafy vegetables,pasta,bread,cereal and liver
Vitamin-B12CyanocobalaminPernicious anaemiaMeat and other animal products
Vitamin-CAscorbic acidScurvyPeppers,citrus fruits and sprouts.

Mineral Nutrients

These are metals,non-metals and their salts other than the four elements-carbon,hydrogen,nitrogen and oxygen and constitute about 4% of total body weight.
Minerals are of two types :
1.Macronutrients: These are required in large amount,e.g.,calcium(Ca)Phosphorus(P),Potassium(K),etc.
2.Micronutrients: These are required in very small amount(less than 1 g)e.g.,iodine(I),iron(Fe),zinc(Zn) etc.

Minerals and their function in the body

Micronutrient elements

MineralMajor Food SourcesNeeded forDeficiency Disease
Calcium(C)Milk,Cheese,Bread and VegetablesMuscle contraction ,nerve action,blood clotting and the formation of boneTetany and Rickets
Phosphorous(P)Cheese,Eggs,Pea Nuts and most FoodsBone and tooth formation ,energy transfer from foods DNA,RNA,and ATP formation.Tetany and Rickets
Potassium(K)Potatoes,Meat and Chocolatemuscle contraction,nerve action and active transportNervous disorder ,a poor muscles leading to paralysis
Iron(Fe)Liver,Kidney,Red meat,Cocoa powder and water -cressFormation of Haemoglobin,Mioglobin and CytochromesAnaemia and low immunity
Fluorine(F)Water Supplies,Tea,Sea food,Meat,Liver and BeansResistance to tooth decayWeak teeths causes motting of teeths
Iodine(I)Seafood,Iodized salt and fishThyroxine productionGoitre
Cobalt(Co)Meat and YeastSynthesis of Vitamin-B12 formation of Red Blood CellsAnaemia


About 70% of the human body consists of water.Two -third of water exists inside cells ,the other one-third is outside the cells in tissue fluid and blood plasma.It is essential for digestion,transportation,excretion and to regulate body temterature.